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VHDL Programming Compiler

VHDL Programming Compiler

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Developer's DescriptionBy KappsmartWrite VHDL code directly on your Android device. This app is ideal for learning and testing code snippets...Write VHDL code directly on your Android device! This app is ideal for learning and testing code snippets!VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) is a hardware description language used in electronic design automation to describe digital and mixed-signal systems such as field-programmable gate arrays and integrated circuits. VHDL can also be used as a general purpose parallel programming language.This app uses the open-source GHDL simulator ( GHDL is a VHDL compiler that can execute (nearly) any VHDL program. GHDL is not a synthesis tool: you cannot create a netlist with GHDL (yet).Features:- Compile and run your program- View program output or detailed error- Optimized for connecting with external physical/bluetooth keyboard- Advanced source code editor with syntax highlighting and line numbers- Open, save, import and share VHDL files.Limitations:- Internet connection is required for compilation- Maximum program running time is 20s- All entities should be have the same name as their files.
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