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Super Ear - Super Hearing Voice amplifier

Super Ear - Super Hearing Voice amplifier

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Developer's DescriptionBy AudioDevSuper Hearing can allow you to hear more better anything with a long distance.Super Hearing can allow you to hear more better anything with a long distance. Just plug in your headsets and start listening better it like Indoors like Ear Agent or hearing assist device this app that turn your mobile phone in to a powerful listening device.This is not a medical device and not proved by doctors, it just helps you hear better.this app is like Ear Amplifier or Ear Booster that make Super Hearing Easy and simple to get deep hearingDeep Hearing or super ear pro is an app that make you to have super hearing amplifier boosterif someone forget his hearing assist, just plug in your headsets and start listening the world better.Notes:* Headphones are required to use this app.* This is not a replacement for a hearing aid or hearing assist and it is not a medical device* This is not a ear spy device
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