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Insect Encyclopedia

Insect Encyclopedia

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Developer's DescriptionBy Zephyrzone StudiosInsect Encyclopedia is a vast collection of interesting insect facts from the most interesting and unique species out there.Insect Encyclopedia is a vast collection of interesting insect facts from the most interesting and unique species out there. The facts include information to an insect's respective length, behavior, geographical habitats and more.What is an insect?An insect is any small invertebrate animal, especially one with several pairs of legs. The arthropods are the first animal group to have jointed legs. Insects have certain characteristics. They have six legs and three body parts, a head, a thorax and an abdomen.Fun FactAmong all animals, ants are the most populous species on earth. They outweigh us in biomass putting billions and billions of tons up against humans' fewer than 500 million. And while they're both tiny and lacking a backbone they are the champs among animals worldwide in therms of quantity with a population estimated at 500 trillion.Although some of the species on our animal encyclopedia does not classify as insects, such as the Goliath Spider which is a arachnids, we just can't resist to enlist them in our app due to their interesting nature and behaviors. Please download our app today and have a read yourself, you will surely enjoy it!Encyclopedia on animals and insects are interesting and should be enjoyed by people of all ages, especially children and youngsters who just started learning about the world around us.Insects are classified as animals and are the most vast of its species! Ever saw an insect that just looked so weird and out-of-place? Well, you might just spotted a rare species!Learn more about this with our Insect Encyclopedia and enrich your knowledge on the many wonders of mother nature and learn to identify rare insects with common ones. Remember that knowledge is bliss when it comes to the wild, knowing how to avoid or to treat an insect bite might just save your life. Knowledge is power and what better way to increase that through reading, reading encyclopedias of proper facts on specific subjects of course. In this case, Animal Encyclopedia and Encyclopedia about Insects. Wildlife Encyclopedia is one of the most interesting reading materials out there.App features and highlights100% FreeFunctions offlineBeautiful PicturesCool facts with a single touchPicture Puzzle for fun!Suited for all agesUser friendly as it is very easy to scroll and navigateIt promotes fun educationThe many Insect and Bug species in our Encyclopedia of Animals and Insects include as follows:Amber PhantomAsian Bird EaterAsian Giant HornetAtlas BeetleBella MothBlue MorphoHorseflyStick MantisGhost MantisGiant Leopard MantisGreen BeeLuna MothMouse SpiderOrchid MantisScarab BeetleWidow SpiderThree-horned RhinoPuss Moth CaterpillarEvening CicadaBlack Garden AntRed Weaver AntFire AntCarpenter AntMetallic Sweat BeeEuropean Honey BeeMining BeeHimalayan Honey BeeSwallowtail ButterflyMonarch ButterflyGlasswing ButterflyAmber PhantomRed Headed CentipedeTsetse FlyBotflyDead Leaf MantisSpiny Flower MantisJewelled Flower MantisConehead MantisElephant MosquitoHercules BeetleGoliath BirdeaterPaper WaspBrazilian TreehopperSouthern Giant DarnerThornbugAnimal and Insect Encyclopedia is a professionally and beautifully designed app where users can spend their time and gain more knowledge about the bugs all over the world.It is currently a developing e-book encyclopedia and we will be updating from time to time for more species!All you want to know about the most common and most interesting insects and bugs are ready for your to explore with our user-friendly app.This app is a newer and better version of our Bug Facts app. It contains more interesting insect information and better user-friendly interface. We hope this improvement will make our users happier with our apps.Please do leave some feedback if you enjoy using our Insect and Animals encyclopedia app. Thank You!
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