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Welch Allyn Home

Welch Allyn Home

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Developer's DescriptionBy Welch Allyn, Inc.Take and track accurate BP readings from a brand trusted by clinicians.TRUSTED IN THE DOCTOR'S OFFICE, MADE FOR THE HOMEWith the Welch Allyn Home solution, you can take and track accurate readings from the comfort of your home, using a brand trusted by clinicians. You can also automatically share your readings with your doctor so you can work together to improve your health. Home monitoring makes it convenient. Welch Allyn Home makes it ACCURATE and EASY. 20 seconds for an accurate blood pressure reading with the Welch Allyn Home BP monitor-fastest on the market. (1) 98% success rate in presence of motion (other devices don't tolerate motion). (1) 95% of physicians surveyed would recommend a Welch Allyn blood pressure device over comparably priced options. (2) For you: BLOOD PRESSURE MONITOR- Based on the technology used by your doctor, but with one-button operation for ease of use. It also quickly syncs with the Welch Allyn Home App. WELCH ALLYN HOME APP- Automatically and securely sends your readings to your doctor, as well as stores and tracks your results. For your clinician: CLINICAL PORTAL- Provides direct connectivity, which is proven to help get patients to their target blood pressure. (3) Download the App and let's get started. Need help? Go to: note that by downloading this app you are acknowledging that you have read and agree with our terms and conditions ( The Welch Allyn Home software is not intended for the use in the diagnosis, cure, treatment, or prevention of disease. It is not intended as a substitute for medical care by a healthcare provider. It is not intended for emergency use or real-time monitoring. 1. Welch Allyn. Home blood pressure monitor motion tolerance clinical study-research summary. Manuscript, August 2016. 2. Welch Allyn. Physician Research Study MC13358, April 2016. 3. Green, B. Et al. Effectiveness of Home Blood Pressure Monitoring, Web Communication, and Pharmacist Care on Hypertension Control. JAMA 2008;299 (24) : 2857-2867.
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