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Symbolab - Math solver

Symbolab - Math solver

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Editors' staffNovember 11, 2018With the Symbolab - Math solver app, you can build equations and see answers to a wide variety of math problems. ProsEasy to enter math problems: The app comes with templates that make it easy to assemble equations to solve math problems.Spans math topics: You can find guidance for a range of math courses, from pre-algebra and calculus to geometry and statistics, with subsections for each topic.Lots of examples: Each topic comes with a handful of example equations. The app also comes with a camera for capturing equations to solve in the app.ConsPay to unlock steps: The basic free app lets you build equations and see answers. To see all the steps to a problem, however, you need to upgrade to the Pro version for $6.99, which seems a bit steep when the capable WolframAlpha app is $2.99. If you really need to see steps, you can solve the math problems on Symbolab's free website.Ad-heavy: The app inserts a full-screen ad each time you enter an equation that you need to dismiss before you can see the solution.Bottom LineThe free version of Symbolab is a great way to check your math work. If you need to *show* your work, however, you'll need to buy the Pro version.
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