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Spark Learning App for Class 6th to 10th NCERT

Spark Learning App for Class 6th to 10th NCERT

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Developer's DescriptionBy LabInAppTo study, you no longer have to limit yourself to just reading books or watching videos which can really become just too lame and boring (many...To study, you no longer have to limit yourself to just reading books or watching videos which can really become just too lame and boring (many times!).The Spark Learning App brings an entirely new way of learning science.Let us remind you of a nice quote by none other than the best teacher Confucius:I hear and I forget.I see and I remember.I do and I understand.Be it sports or playing any musical instrument, have you learnt them without playing them? Almost none right! Were sure that you have experienced this in your day today life and have come to the conclusion that learning by doing is the best option to excel in life.But when it comes to studying, were only limiting to reading and watching videos. The simulations in the Spark Learning App enable you to interact with the content like the way you interact in a game allowing you to modify the parameters. The content in the app covers all the major concepts/topics from Class 6th to 10th as per the CBSE/NCERT syllabus.The following topics are covered in the app.Chemical Reaction: Change in StateChemical Reaction: Change in ColourChemical Reaction: Change in TemperatureTypes of Chemical Reactions: Combination ReactionTypes of Chemical Reactions: Decomposition ReactionTypes of Chemical Reactions: Displacement ReactionTypes of Chemical Reactions: Double Displacement ReactionAcids and Bases in the LaboratoryHow do Acids React with Metals?How do Bases React with Metals?How do Acids and Bases React with each other?How Strong are Acids or Base Solutions?Are the Crystals of Salts really Dry?Physical Property: SurfacePhysical Property: HardnessPhysical Property: MalleabilityPhysical Property: HeatPhysical Property: ElectricityPhysical Property: SonorityWhat happens when Metals are burnt in Air?What Happens When Metals React with Water?What Happens When Metals React with Acids?Bonding in CarbonAllotropes of CarbonSaturated and Unsaturated Carbon CompoundsChemical Properties of Carbon CompoundsProperties of EthanolProperties of Ethanoic AcidSoaps and DetergentAutotrophic NutritionNutrition in Human BeingsHuman Respiratory SystemTransportation in Human BeingsExcretion in Human BeingsAnimals Nervous SystemWhat happens in Reflex Actions?Human BrainMovement Due to GrowthMovement Due to GrowthHormones in AnimalsMale Reproductive SystemFemale Reproductive SystemTracing Evolutionary RelationshipsEvolution and ClassificationSpherical MirrorsImage Formation by Spherical MirrorRefraction of Light: Glass SlabRefraction by Spherical LensesImage Formation by LensesThe Human EyePower of AccommodationDefects of Vision and Their Correction: MyopiaDefects of Vision and Their Correction: HypermetropiaRefraction of Light Through a Prism: Monochromatic LightRefraction of Light Through a Prism: White LightScattering of LightElectric Current and CircuitElectric Potential and Potential DifferenceElectric Circuit DiagramOhm's LawElectrical ResistancesFactors on which the Resistance of a Conductor DependsResistors in SeriesResistors in ParallelMagnetic Effects of Electric CurrentMagnetic Field and Field Lines: Bar MagnetMagnetic Field and Field Lines: Drawing Magnetic Field LinesMagnetic Field Due to a Current-carrying ConductorMagnetic Field Due to a Current Through a Circular LoopForce on a Current-carrying ConductorElectric MotorElectromagnetic InductionElectric GeneratorConventional Sources of Energy: Thermoelectric ProductionConventional Sources of Energy: Hydro Power PlantsBioMassSolar EnergyFood ChainTraditional Water Harvesting: Khadin SystemWe will be adding more topics, subjects, and grades in the upcoming versions. Stay tuned.So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring the joy of learning!- Team LabInApp
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