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All Puranas English

All Puranas English

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Developer's DescriptionBy A3K.comHindus believe that the soul passes through a cycle of successive lives and its next incarnation is always dependent on how the previous life was.Hindus believe that the soul passes through a cycle of successive lives and its next incarnation is always dependent on how the previous life was lived. (Similar to Buddhist beliefs) Karma is the cause of our particular destiny. Misfortunes in our present life are the result of acts that we have committed in the past. In the same way, our actions in our present lives will determine our fate in the lives that follow. Hindus therefore aim to live in a way that will cause each of their lives to be better than the life before.There are 18 Maha Puranas (Great Puranas) and 18 Upa Puranas (Minor Puranas), with over 400,000 verses. Agni Puran, Bhagavata Puran, Brahma Puran, Brahmanda Puran, Brahmavaivarta Puran, Garuda or Garun Puran, Kurma Puran, Linga Puran, Markandeya Puran, Matsya Puran, Narada Puran, Padma Puran, Shiva Puran, Skanda Puran, Vamana Puran, Varaha Puran, Vayu Puran, Vishnu Puran are 18 Maha Puranas.We have a big collection of Hindu Spiritual text collection in English translation. We have all Hindu Vedas in English and Bhagwat Geeta in English translation. Also we have many ancient Hindu Yoga books texts in English.This is a great app to get knowledge of Hindu religion on your pone. We provide the platform where you can have all the Hinduism books at one place.Apart from Puranas we also provide Bhagwat Geeta, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Rig veda, Yajur Veda, Arthav Veda, Sam Veda and all upnishadas.We also have provide books containing lectures of great leaders like Swami Vivekananda."Knowledge gives humility, from humility, one attains character; From character, one acquires wealth; from wealth good deeds (righteousness) follow and then happiness"Disclaimer: All the books or knowledge we are providing may be available on the internet in public domains we are just arranging them in our way so that it can benefit the readers most.If you have any query or any issue, please do not hesitate to contact us at
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