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Atlas of CT Anatomy

Atlas of CT Anatomy

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Developer's DescriptionBy Medical Apps For Doctorsapp contents:atlas anatomy ct scanatlas and anatomy of pet/mri pet/ct and spect/ctatlas of ct anatomy abdomenatlas of ct anatomy guidelinesatlas of ct anatomy jointsatlas of ct anatomy journalatlas of ct anatomy of neckTemporal BoneSkull BaseSpineCardiacChestNeckParanasal SinusesAbdomenPelvisCT Angiography (Vascular Atlas)BrainReading the CT ScanA computed tomography (CT) scan can create cross-sectional images of any part of the body using special X-rays and a computer.This type of radiology study is an important part of diagnosing medical diseases like strokes, cancers, and infections in the abdomen like appendicitis.You can learn to read a CT scan if you understand the normal anatomy and what the shades of white, grey, and black on the films mean.atlas of ct anatomy of the abdomenatlas of ct anatomy of the brainatlas of ct anatomy of the chestatlas of ct anatomy of the headatlas of ct anatomy of the lungatlas of ct anatomy of the pelvisCT Scan CrossSectional Anatomyct anatomy abdomenct anatomy of brainct chest muscle anatomyinteractive ct anatomyct anatomyct abdomen anatomyCT provides a dynamic and interactive method of viewing cross-sectional human anatomy on computed tomography (CT).coronal ct abdomen
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