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Kids Songs Nursery Karaoke

Kids Songs Nursery Karaoke

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Developer's DescriptionBy funnyvideosappsTones of kids songs, karaoke nursery rhymes, kids stories to play at home.Do you want to listen free kids songs? Are you looking for the latest nursery rhymes 2017? Stop searching apps, this is the best Android app to educate your kids with stories, fairy tales and singing with our kids karaoke songs. In our free kids songs app, you will find more than 750 hits. We have three categories, that includes the best 2017 kids stories, karaoke and nursery rhymes. Now you can sit with your children and use our playlist to have hours and hours of entertainment. Some of our nursery rhymes and kids songs are: Five Little Speckled Frogs- Wheels on The Bus - Rock a Bye Baby & Songs for Kids- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star- baa baa black sheep- Teddy Bear Song- Bob The Train- Learn Colors for Kids- Five Little Farmees- Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes- ABC Song- The Moon Song- Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed- Little Snowflake- Ten Little Indians- Old MacDonald Had A Farm- Miss Polly Had a Dolly- Ghost Family- Learn the alphabet- Jack and Jill- Paw Patrol Finger Family Song- Chubby Cheeks Rhyme- Ten Little Fingers- Clap Your Hands- Wheels On The Plane- Colors and numbersIf you are looking for kids stories or fairy tales, you can find: The Magical Fairy Tale- Rapunzel | Bedtime Stories- The Lion And The Mouse Story- The Story of Jack and The Beanstalk- Panchatantra Tales in English- Little red ridding hood- The UGLY duckling- Peter Pan - bedtime story for kids- The Jungle Book Kids Story- Goldilocks and the Three Bears- Snow White and the Seven Dwarves - The Gingerbread Man- Little Mermaid- Hansel & Gretel - The Frog Prince - Pinocchio Kids Story- Cinderella Shopkins Fairy Tales- The Three Little Pigs and Big Bad Wolf- Alice in Wonderland Kids Story- The princess and the PeaHave a look to our kids karaoke section, you can find these children music radio hits: Torana Karaoke Kids Songs- Masha and the Bear- Sweet tooth's song - Karaoke party for kids- Jingle Bells- Kids Of The Future (karaoke with lyrics) - Happy Birthday song for kids- The Farmer in the Dell- Karaoke: Clap Your Hands- School Bus Children's Song KaraokeIf you like our app, please, RATE US with 5. We will continue updating our playlist to add the most trending 2017 kids songs. DOWNLOAD OUR NURSERY RHYMES HERE.
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