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The Brain iExplore AR

The Brain iExplore AR

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Developer's DescriptionBy Carlton Books LimitedAre you ready to see your brain in action in Augmented Reality. Download The Brain iExplore app to discover how your brain works, and how it...Are you ready to see your brain in action in Augmented Reality? Download The Brain iExplore app to discover how your brain works, and how it makes you YOU!WITH INCREDIBLE DIGITAL EXPERIENCES:- Unlock 8 interactive experiences including: using the brain scanner to take a picture that reveals the brain inside your head, seeing how your brain reacts to sounds, seeing the upside-down images of the world that your eyes actually see before the visual cortex of your brain processes them, putting your fine motor skills to the test, seeing what part of your brain deals with short-term memory in the matching pairs game and taking a 360 degrees and close up look inside a brain with our 360 Video.- Delve deeper in the information section to discover the most important parts of your brain, what they're called and what they do.How it works:To see the AR sequences in action, look for one of the triggers.Launch the app and point your devices camera at the page to kick off the Augmented Reality action.This FREE app is available to anyone with a compatible smartphone or tablet with front and rear facing cameras using Android 4.0 and above, and ARMv7 NEON processors (INTEL Atom based devices are not currently supported)
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