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Toilet Tracker

Toilet Tracker

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Developer's DescriptionBy BeakSoftToilet Tracker is a lifestyle management and statistical analysis program for the Google Android operating system.Toilet Tracker is a lifestyle management and statistical analysis program for the Google Android operating system.What Toilet Tracker does:* Record details about toilet usage* Provide charting of gathered data in the form of tables and graphs* Schedules Android Notification events (Reminders) a pre-set time after the last toilet use* Integrates with Facebook to provide public notification of toilet use to friendsWho would use Toilet Tracker:* Paraplegics who find toilet reminders useful to prevent compacting or bladder problems* Pet owners caring for animals with pelvic injuries causing them to require regular help to use their litter box* People in roles which only allow toilet use at certain times (pilots, surgeons, etc.)* Anyone who wants to have fun tracking their toilet usage!For more information, please see:
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