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The F2 Book App

The F2 Book App

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Developer's DescriptionBy Blink Publishing LtdThe ultimate football skills guide on your device.The ultimate football skills guide on your device. The Free F2 Book App will bring to life on your screen the incredible skills of Billy and Jez. The F2 share their football expertise with exclusive, never-before-seen video tutorials to help you play like a pro. Full of step-by-step videos, exclusive picture galleries, and special features that allow you to design your own 3D football boot and ball, this app is the ultimate companion to the F2: WORLD OF FOOTBALL book. Get onto a football pitch, practise the amazing F2 skills with The F2 Book App, and don't forget to share your own videos with Billy and Jez. Special Features: Exclusive video tutorials of The F2 football skills. Picture galleries of Billy and Jez. Design your own 3D image of The F2 ball and boot. The F2 Challenge: record your own attempts of the incredible skills and share them with The F2. How it works: Launch the app and have your copy of F2: WORLD OF FOOTBALL at hand. Tap Scan the Page and focus your device's camera over the pages with the special phone icon. Watch all the hidden exclusive content and features come to life on your device.
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