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2020 BECE /Junior WAEC Practice (By TestDriller)

2020 BECE /Junior WAEC Practice (By TestDriller)

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Developer's DescriptionBy IAF SAWII LimitedTestDriller for BECE is an offline e-learning and testing app that helps candidates prepare for their Junior WAEC in an incredible way.TestDriller for BECE is an offline e-learning and testing app that helps candidates prepare for their Junior WAEC in an incredible way. It has numerous past questions, offline dictionary, offline chatbot with amazing artificial intelligence and much more. It is by far the most interactive computer based testing and learning app in Nigeria.Note that it is available to other West African countries taking BECE.It works 100% offline - you won't be asked to download any content after installing the app.Key Features12,000+ Questions Available Offline - practice authentic BECE past questions from 20 subjects with explanations.Practice By Topics - gain mastery of any topic by practicing questions from any topic of interestPractice One Or More Subjects At Once - you can easily take more than one subject at a time.Voice (Text-To-Speech) - you can listen to questions and explanation in an interesting way.Built-In Calculator - use the built-in calculator to crunch numbers without leaving the exam interface.Rich Result - get detailed analysis on how you perform on any exam.Bookmarks - bookmark any question that you wish to view later.Dictionary - get definition of over 92,000 words offlineOffline Chatbot - chat with Clara to find answers to most requests using our custom built Chatbot technology with amazing artificial intelligenceDecide Everything - easily change the number of questions, exam year, exam time, exam mode and username.No Subscription Fee - once activated, forever activated for all subjects!
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