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Bible Commentary (MHC)

Bible Commentary (MHC)

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Developer's DescriptionBy Igor AppsThe Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible brings exceptional depth to familiar Biblical passages.The Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible brings exceptional depth to familiar Biblical passages. Matthew Henry astutely presents the historical and cultural background for each book of the Bible, always beginning with a brief summary of the book's setting and larger purpose. This work is a one-volume abridgement of Matthew Henry's greatest work, so the text is less cumbersome than that of the original publication; yet it might still require a little patience from the reader. Nevertheless, using this commentary is well worth the effort, and those who read its contents will not be disappointed. The Concise Commentary is an exciting new way to study the Bible that will be cherished by all.Spurgeon used Henry's commentary and commended it heartily, saying: "Every minister ought to read it entirely and carefully through once at least."
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