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Video translate - Subtitles player (beta)

Video translate - Subtitles player (beta)

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Developer's DescriptionBy Anatoliy MesheryakSubtitles Player is simultaneous translation and subtitle voice for videos on Youtube.Subtitles Player is simultaneous translation and subtitle voice for videos on Youtube.Functional: Subtitles voice acting while watching foreign videos. Instant translation of foreign languages. Ability to set any voice for video dubbing. Sync tempo dubbing and pictures videos.If you like to watch foreign videos in YouTube with translation into your native language, then you will definitely like this application. Now you can not wait for the voice acting, and immediately watch the video in the original. Subtit player will translate and voice subtitles while watching, creating a speech that you can understand.From this day, you open up new horizons for obtaining information, because you have access to all the videos in the world in a language that you can understand.Feel the pleasure of direct speech translation.Forget reading subtitles, your eyes will thank you;)Enjoy watching;)Warning!* The application is in development, it may be unstable.If you change the position of the screen when you change the half of the screen and does not disappear, restarting the application helps.- The bug will be fixed in the next updates. If you like the app, please rate it. You can also write a review on how you used it and whether the application has Subtitle useful for you.
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