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App4Stats SPSS Statistics Free

App4Stats SPSS Statistics Free

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Developer's DescriptionBy Javier PrragaApp4stats is an application aimed to all those people who need to use biostatistics in their daily work.App4stats is an application aimed to all those people who need to use biostatistics in their daily work. Although it is especially designed for health sciences, it can be used by any user who needs to make a research.Its aim is to help the researcher to choose the right test for statistical analysis. Therefore, it is differentiated into two parts; the first one explains a theory of the proof that is going to be used and the second one provides a simple guide to run it with the SPSS statistical program.On the other hand, the application contains a calculator that will estimate the sample size for a proportion, mean and hypothesis (rate and mean) and estimate the confidence interval for amean, difference of two means, for a ratio and to compare two proportions. It also allowscalculating the sensitivity, specificity and probability ratios with their corresponding confidence intervals.It also has links to access the website that supportsit and where practical examples and a complete and more detailed manual can be downloaded.eBook (Spanish)Biostatistics, statistics calculator, SPSS. Statistics Quick Reference Free
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