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Naat Lyrics - Naat Academy

Naat Lyrics - Naat Academy

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Developer's DescriptionBy AwesCreative Academy - Ahl-e-Sunnat Wal Jamat Hanafi BarelviLearning Naat Education Withs Sufism.Lyrics of Hamd, Naat, Manqabat, Salaam & Nasheed in Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, English.Islamic Topics Isalmic Lyrics, Isalmic Naat Lyrics, Naat Books CollectionPrayers Ramadan & Islamic Monts Islamic AppsNaat Video, Islamic Topics, Islamic VideoAl-Quran - Urdu Transaltion of Quran from Kanzul Iman with TafseerLyrics of almost all islamic naats,nasheeds,kalaams,manqabats in urdu,arabic,english by owais qadri,yusuf sami,qari rizwan.You can request naat lyrics.www.naatacademy.comBismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem Allahumma Salley'Ala Syedina Mohammadin Wa 'Ala Aalihi Syedina Mohammedin Wa Barik Wa Sallim.Meaning of Hamd / Hamd e Bari ThaalahHamd means Praise of Allah Subhaanahu Thaalah. The Poetry which is written or recited in the Praise of Allah Subhaanahu Thaalah is known as Hamd or Hamd-e-Bari Thaalah.Meaning of Naat / Naat Sharif / Naat e pak / Naat e Rasool e Maqbool (Sal-lal-lahu alaihi wa sallam )Naat means Praise of Beloved Prophet Syedina Muhammadur Rasool Allah (Sal-lal-lahu Alaihi Wa Sallam ) . The Poetry which written or recited in the Praise of Beloved Prophet Sal-lal-lahu Alaihi Wa Sallam is known as Naat or Naat Sharif or Naat Mubarak or Naat e Pak etc.A Naat is a Persian named for a poetry that is said in praise of Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be upon Him). Naat was one of the most popular forms of poetry among Muslims. Arabic Naats were recited in Masjid-e-Nawabi Sharif by Sahaba-e-Ikhram Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeens in Front Beloved Prophet (Sal-lal-lahu Alaihi Wa Sallam ). Naat Sharifs was also recited by childrens and womens in the period Beloved Prophet Sal-lal-lahu Alaihi Wa Sallam.Many of the famous scholars in the earlier days of Islam wrote Naat. Naat is sung with great joy and love of the beloved prophet ( Sal-lal-lahu alaihi wa sallam) . It was considered an art. Only recently it has become a rather orthodex form of activity however it is a peaceful affair and people love attending and arranging Naat Khwaanis (A kind of concert of Naats) People who recite Naat are known as NaatKhwaan or Sana Khwaan.
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