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Arabic Keyboard

Arabic Keyboard

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Developer's DescriptionBy Arabic KeyboardType in Arabic on you Android device.Arabic Keyboard is a modern typing app which allows you to type in Arabic Language. It not only supports Arabic, but it also has 22 other languages which can be switched across with a single click. It comes with Google's most loved Material Design and has 4 attractive themes to choose from.Auto Correct, Auto Complete, and other features such as Artificial Intelligence and versatile input styles to provide greater accessibility to everyone. It is a keyboard which learns from you and adapts itself to suit you. Looks wise, it looks very similar to the Google Keyboard "GBoard" except without the Google button.To Setup the Keyboard: It's easy, just open the app and follow the instructions on screen. In short, Launch the app > Enable the Arabic Keyboard > Select it as an active input method > Select the languages.
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