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Expositor's Bible Commentary

Expositor's Bible Commentary

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Developer's DescriptionBy Trinh HangOverview Expositor Bible Commentary application...Overview Expositor Bible Commentary applicationThe Expositor's Bible Commentary is a major contribution to the study and understanding of the Scriptures. Its seventy-eight contributors come from the United States, Canada, England, Scotland, Australia, and New Zealand, and from many denominations, including Anglican, Baptist, Brethren, Methodist, Nazarene, Presbyterian, and Reformed. They represent the best in evangelical scholarship committed to the divine inspiration, complete trustworthiness, and full authority of the Bible. This reference work provides pastors and other Bible students with a comprehensive and scholarly tool for the exposition of the Scriptures and the teachings and proclamation of their message. The English text used in The Expositor's Bible Commentary is the NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (North American Edition), though contributors refer to other translations and to the original languages. Each book of the Bible has, in addition to its exposition, an introduction, outline, and bibliography. Notes on textual questions and special problems are correlated with the expository units; transliteration and translation of the Semitic and Greek words make the more technical notes accessible to readers unacquainted with the biblical languages. In matters where marked differences of opinion exist, commentators, while stating their own convictions, deal fairly and irenically with opposing views.Transliterations make the Expositors Bible Commentary accessible for English-only studyIntroduction to authorship and historical issuesOutlines of each book of the BibleExposition and notes on the entire BibleDetailed bibliographyAdvanced search features of Logos Bible Software make the Expositors Bible Commentary more accessible than everAll Scripture references linked to the Bibles in your libraryResults from the Expositors Bible Commentary appear in Passage Guides and other reports in Logos Bible SoftwareUses the NIV for English text and refers to other translations and original languagesSir William Robertson Nicoll CH (October 10, 1851 - May 4, 1923) was a Scottish Free Church minister, journalist, editor, and man of letters.Nicoll was born in Lumsden, Aberdeenshire, the son of a Free Church minister. He was educated at Aberdeen Grammar School and graduated MA at the University of Aberdeen in 1870, and studied for the ministry at the Free Church Divinity Hall there until 1874, when he was ordained minister of the Free Church at Dufftown, Banffshire. Three years later he moved to Kelso, and in 1884 became editor of The Expositor for Hodder & Stoughton, a position he held until his death.In 1885 Nicoll was forced to retire from pastoral ministry after an attack of typhoid had badly damaged his lung. In 1886 he moved south to London, which became the base for the rest of his life. With the support of Hodder and Stoughton he founded the British Weekly, a Nonconformist newspaper, which also gained great influence over opinion in the churches in Scotland.Nicoll secured many writers of exceptional talent for his paper (including Marcus Dods, J. M. Barrie, Ian Maclaren, Alexander Whyte, Alexander Maclaren, and James Denney), to which he added his own considerable talents as a contributor. He began a highly popular feature, "Correspondence of Claudius Clear", which enabled him to share his interests and his reading with his readers.Feature of Expositor Bible Commentary app1. All bible commentaries are in Expositor Bible Commentary2. Navigate between bible books and chapters easily3. Beautiful design and great user experiences4. Track your progress reading bible book easily5. Share nice verses with beautiful background image.6. King James Bible attached book7. Clickable links to KJV verses!8.Highlight/underline part of commentary9.Add notes/bookmarks daily verses
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