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Kali Linux : Tutorial

Kali Linux : Tutorial

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Developer's DescriptionBy Tomoto DeveloperThis tutorial provides a complete understanding of Kali Linux and explains how to use it in practice.This tutorial provides a complete understanding of Kali Linux and explains how to use it in practice.This tutorial has been prepared for beginners to help them understand the basics of Linux Times. This will be particularly useful for penetration testing professionals. After completing this tutorial, you will find yourself at a moderate level of expertise from where you can take yourself to the next level.-Topics covered1. Getting Started2. File Management3. DirectoriesAll tutorials are precisely and attractively designed to make it easier for you to learn. All the steps in this tutorial are very easy to learn and follow.The original Color codes and Kali Themes are taken into account while developing thisHere are some lists of materials in this Kali Linux tutorialVulnerability AnalysesWebsite Penetration TestingExploitationForensicsSocial Engineeringand more...Features in this app- Kali Linux tutorial complete from beginner to expert- Search Feature Tutorial- Illustration step by step in each tutorial- Attractive Design
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