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Bhavishya purana hindi

Bhavishya purana hindi

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Developer's DescriptionBy NavamakanAppPuranas generally describe the incarnations of Lord as taking place in four yugas viz the Krita Treta Dwapara and Kali Yugas to destroy the...Puranas generally describe the incarnations of Lord as taking place in four yugas viz the Krita Treta Dwapara and Kali Yugas to destroy the Asuric forces and re establish the equilibrium of the cosmic life. In the Hindu Pantheon of Gods Lord Vinayaka is held as the foremost God without whose Puja no worship or any rite or ritual for that matter begins.The Bhavishya Purana is one of the eighteen major Hindu puranas. It is written in Sanskrit and attributed to Vyasa, the compiler of the Vedas. The title Bhavishya Purana signifies a work that contains prophecies regarding the future. Despite being labelled a purana or "tales of ancient times", the work relates only a few legends. It is one of several puranas in which a list of royal dynasties of the "past" are followed by lists of kings predicted to rule in the future. The Padma Purana categorizes Bhavishya Purana as a Rajas Purana.Bhavishya Purana, where Bhavishya means "future" and Puranas means "history", they read it as the history of the Future. This Purana consists of 14,500 verses, and glorifies the acts of devotees. This mobile application will speak volumes about the predictions of Lord Chaitanya. Authored by Sri Vyasa Muni, this Purana has predicted several events that happened years after it was rig veda in hindiread/listen yujuar veda in hindiread/listen sam veda in hindiread vishnupuranread garudpuranread shivpuranread/listen arth veda in hindiread vishnu puranread shiv puranread garud puranBrahma PuranGarud PuranAgni Puranved puranved parichayvedahindu ved puranved puran in hindiAgni Puran ()Atharvavidhikan Puran ()Bhagwat Puran ()Bramha Puran ()Bramhand Puran ()Devibhagwat Puran ( )Garud Puran ()Kurm Puran ()Ling Puran ()Markandeya Puran ()
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