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Telugu calendar 2022 With Festivals

Telugu calendar 2022 With Festivals

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Developer's DescriptionBy Technical SurajTelugu calendar panchang 2022 allows you to view maasam kalam rutuvu vaaram thitdhi and nakshatram yogam karanam sooryodhayam sooryaasthamam...Telugu calendar panchang 2022 allows you to view maasam kalam rutuvu vaaram thitdhi and nakshatram yogam karanam sooryodhayam sooryaasthamam information for all days in telugu.You can select any date and get information for that particular date.Highlights full moon day and no moon day for each month.Highlights Main festival dates in listed month.Will generate results of festivals for selected month.Telugu calendar panchang app serves panchang results with planetary calculations. It is an informative app for people who speaking telugu across globe. With this service, you can easily watch results of panchang,muhurtham and festivals for the particular date and can watch the result 2010 years.Mainly panchangam cosnist with thidhi varam nakshatram karanam and yogam. we have optimized panchangam along with muhurthams and festivals as well.Features and User Interface:-We have designed user interface in two partitions, at top partition you can operate calendar date month and year and at the bottom. you will get the result for selected date under panchangam muhurtham and festival tabs.Panchangam tab:- you can easily notice sunrise sunset moonrise and moonset with sun and moon signs, next you will notice with masam and paksham and year name, later you can read thidhi varam nakshatram karanam yogam details along with abhijith muhurtham anandhadiyogam amruthakalam rahukalam yamagandam gulikakalam durmuhurtham and can easily explore start time and end time with date for each result.muhurtham tab:- read auspicious time of vivaha muhurtham namakarana muhurtham gruha pravesha muhurtham and vahana muhurtham to start you precious occasion.festival tab:- find details of vratham pooja and festival detail upto 5 years.we hope we produce sufficient content in an easy manner. Write the review to encourage our development.For any suggestion or query please contact surajchavhan238@gmail.comTags.....vikram telugu calendar 2020telugu panchangam calendar 2020telugu calendar 2019 with panchangtelugu calendar 2019 app downloadkalnirnay telugu calendar 20192019 to 2020 calendar teluguTelugu calendar panchang 2018 allows you to view maasam kalam rutuvu vaaram thitdhi and nakshatram yogam karanam sooryodhayam sooryaasthamam information for all days in telugu.You can select any date and get information for that particular date.Highlights full moon day and no moon day for each month.Highlights Main festival dates in listed month.Will generate results of festivals for selected month.Features and User Interface:-We have designed user interface in two partitions, at top partition you can operate calendar date month and year and at the bottom. you will get the result for selected date under panchangam muhurtham and festival tabs.we hope we produce sufficient content in an easy manner. Write the review to encourage our development.For any suggestion or query please contact surajchavhan238@gmail.comTags.....vikram telugu calendar 2020telugu panchangam calendar 2020telugu calendar 2019 with panchangtelugu calendar 2019 app downloadbest telugu calendar 2019christian calendar 2019 telugucalendar 2019 telugu calendartelugu calendar 2019 downloadeenadu telugu calendar 2019telugu calendar 2019 festivalsnv gopal telugu calendar 2019hindu calendar 2019 telugujesus calendar 2019 telugusri krishna telugu calendar 2020kalnirnay telugu calendar 2020latest telugu calendar 2021telugu calendar 2021 mulugutelugu muhurtham calendar 2019telugu calendar 2019 new2019 calendar telugu offlinetelugu calendar 2021 panchangamtelugu calendar 2019 rasi phalalucalendar 2021 rashifal telugusanatan panchang 2019 (telugu calendar)telugu calendar 2021 usatelugu urdu calendar 2019telugu calendar 2019 vikram2019 to 2021 telugu calendartelugu calendar 2019-202019 to 2020 calendar teluguThanks for downloading - Hindi calendar download!!Thanks for downloading our app
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