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Student Planner - Homework Agenda & Notes.

Student Planner - Homework Agenda & Notes.

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Developer's DescriptionBy SiawoPlanner is a homework organizer and notes managing app; a perfect app for students.Planner is a homework organizer and notes managing app; a perfect app for students. All with the low price of free without any ads! Keep track of your homework, assignments, projects and to-do lists.It doesnt matter whether youre a student at a university, college, or high school, Planner has you covered.Main Features:Subtasks: Organize different parts of your assignment with Subtasks. You can break your assignment into several subtasks and track your progress more accurately. As you complete these subtasks, your overall progress will increase.For example, your homework might be to write a Dolphins Research Paper, you can create 2 Sub Tasks: Research about Dolphins & Writeup . As you complete each of these Subtasks, the progress of Dolphins Research Paper will automatically update.Notes Quickly Create and Capture Unlimited number of Notes, and further customize them by picking any of the colours provided. Later when youre done with them you can achieve them for later-viewing.Task Widgets: You can use a widget to view today's tasks, a week's tasks, a month's tasks, or all tasks.Deadline Reminders: You can set a Reminder to be notified anytime about any upcoming Tasks or Nots, so you will never miss a deadline leading to better time management; more time for you!Upload Images: Upload and view an unlimited (for now subject to change) number of photos for each Task you make.Track Progress: Each Task has its own progress indicator, helping you see at a glance whats still left to do. As you complete your homework, they will be moved to the Competed Tasks Category.Courses: You can add any number of courses, each with their own unique course code, and their own colors we have plenty to choose from. Furthermore, since each Task has a course, you can easily view all your tasks for a Course.Elegant Calendar View: You can also view your Tasks by their due date with our gorgeous Calendar.Different Type of Tasks: There are many different types of homework: Readings , Assignments, Exams, Group Work, Homework, Lab , Lesson and much more. With Planner, you can see all your Tasks by their Type in our beautiful and colorful UI.KEY FEATURES:Fast, Clean & Simple.Tasks with Sub Tasks.Tasks with different categories: tests, readings and much more!Tasks progress tracking.Create Courses with unique names, codes & colours.Beautiful Notifications for Reminders.Unlimited Image Upload (for now subject to change).Elegant & Great Design (Inspired by Material Design).Download to become a more organized student whos ready to take on any homework. Built using Firebase. By using this app, you agree to our Usage Policy. Special thanks to Danial Ali for logo designHave a question or want to submit feedback? Feel free to email us.
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