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University of Kashmir (Official)

University of Kashmir (Official)

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Developer's DescriptionBy University of KashmirThis app enables you to keep track of various things relevant to you as a student or employee of the University of Kashmir.This app enables you to keep track of various things relevant to you as a student or employee of the University of Kashmir.Currently this app is a beta version, more features will be added in final version.Using the app you can see:1. Coming events.2. Notifications about various things like admissions, jobs, tenders, etc.3. Student details, results, migration status, etc4. Employee salary statement and attendanceThe app has various other features like alert for latest notifications, customize those alerts, search local data of the app, etc.Note: On some devices if you are facing problem with latest notification alerts, you need to set auto-start on for this app in OS Settings screen, if applicable and exclude the app from Battery Saver.All efforts have been made to make the information as accurate as possible, University of Kashmir will not be responsible for any loss to any person caused by inaccuracy in the information available on this app. Relevant Official Gazettes/Communications may be consulted for an accurate information. Any discrepancy found may be brought to the notice at contents related to the links given on this app should be verified by their respective owners.
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