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Lose Weight In 30 Days

Lose Weight In 30 Days

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Developer's DescriptionBy Veev AppsWe have prepared exercise program and diet to help you lose weight in 30 days.We have prepared exercise program and diet to help you lose weight in 30 days. Following this program, you can easily lose weight and make your body more beautiful. Every day, we will increase the load of training, so do not forget about the rest. Exercise is prepared specifically for the home. Anyone can perform them anywhere.You can easily keep track of your weight loss progress and the number of calories burned. Carrying out training plan you will not only be able to remove the extra weight, but also to improve the physical form. We have collected different types of exercises that will help you the most to lose weight (abdominal exercises, exercises for the buttocks, waist, etc.).Key Features:- Training plan for 30 days- Animated exercise demonstration- Diet for 30 days with a daily schedule and various products- Weight Loss Progress- Statistics on the calories burned
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