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Computer Shortcut Keys | Windows Run Shortcut

Computer Shortcut Keys | Windows Run Shortcut

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Developer's DescriptionBy 8848 AppsComputer Shortcut keys : in this app, we have included all the shortcut keys which we need every time while using a computer to increase speed...Computer Shortcut keys : in this app, we have included all the shortcut keys which we need every time while using a computer to increase speed up our work. This app is helpful for everyone who wants to learn shortcut keys. We have also included useful run commands. We have also included some computer programs shortcut keys like Microsoft office, Adobe Pagemaker & Photoshop, browsers, and many more. If you found anything missing or have any feedback feel free to mail us at 8848apps@gmail.Don't forget to rate the app, let us know what you think about this app.We have also provided youtube links which will also help you.Computer shortcuts keysBasic keyboardWindow ButtonWindows ExplorerLots More...MS OfficeMs-WordMs-ExcelMs-PowerPointMS AccessWindow key (win key) shortcut is also availableRun command to access control panelFunction Keys F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12Categories of Shortcut Keys.- Basic Shortcut Keys- Windows- Basic Shortcut Keys for Mac OS- MS Word- MS Excel- MS Access- Chrome- Firefox- Adobe PhotoShop- Adobe Flash- Corel Draw- Adobe Page Maker
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