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Orai - Improve Public Speaking

Orai - Improve Public Speaking

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Developer's DescriptionBy OraiOrai provides instant speech feedback + world-class lessons on public speaking.Sound like a leader with the new Orai app.IN THE NEWS- FastCompany - - "Orai will coach you to add fewer filler words, speak clearly, and at a good pace. It helped its young inventors pitch their way to funding."- TechCrunch - - "An app ... to make you a better public speaker!"KEY FEATURES- Instant speech feedback using AI:- Filler words (um, you know, basically)- How fast you speak- You energy level- Vocal clarity- Micro-lessons on public speaking- Detailed performance tracking- Audio recording and playback- Accurate transcript of what you say- Save your previous recordings- Ability to share your recording and transcript with friends/colleagues- Freestyle mode to practice anytime, anywhere- Script mode to practice a prepared speech; simply copy/paste it into the app and tap record- And more!If you have any comments or questions, please email hello@oraiapp.comWe love to hear what you think!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Follow us - us - us - oraiapp.comSay hi -
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