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Bariatric Meal Timer

Bariatric Meal Timer

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Developer's DescriptionBy Webb DsgnThis app was born out of necessity.This app was born out of necessity. Since I had gastric bypass surgery in July 2017, I've tried a lot of ways to make sure I get as many nutrients as I need. The best way I've personally found is to eat for two minutes, then take a break for two minutes, and repeat this until I can't eat any more.There was an excellent app that did this on other platforms, but no app with equivalent quality exists for Android, so I decided to make one. This app plays a short sound effect, vibrates the device briefly, and changes color of on-screen elements, depending on whether it's time to eat or take a break.Bariatric Meal Timer does not collect any personally identifiable data. Opt in to the beta to receive new features first.
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