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Heartbeat Monitor

Heartbeat Monitor

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Developer's DescriptionBy Seashore SolutionHeart Beat App is the most accurate Heart rate monitor for Android device which analyzes the blood flow information from your fingertip.Heart Beat App is the most accurate Heart rate monitor for Android device which analyzes the blood flow information from your fingertip. Now you can keep monitoring your heart rate which is a most important measure of your health and fitness.Accurately measure your heartbeatEasy to use interfaceNo additional hardware requiredHow to use the Heart Beat App?To use heartbeat app, place your finger on phone's camera and stay still for 30 seconds, the application will start recording the heart rate after few seconds. To accurately measure heart rate - keep fingertip stable.What is the normal heart rate?According to American Heart Association, A normal heart rate for adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute. Generally, a lower heart rate at rest implies more efficient heart function and better cardiovascular fitness.Many factors can influence heart rate, includingActivity LevelFitness LevelAir TemperatureBody PositionBody SizeThe Heart Beat application calculates and automatically saves your heart rate in your profile under history.Note:Heart Beat application is not a replacement of the medical device.
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