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Dog Health

Dog Health

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Developer's DescriptionBy Luca BiasottoPut the health of our 4-legged friends in the first place.Put the health of our 4-legged friends in the first place.Dog Health is a completely free application that helps you to follow the best health of your dogs, memorizing their history and remembering any visits, administrations and scheduled medication.With this application you can:- Store your dog's personal data such as name, weight, date of birth, chip.- Keep track of all previous and future visits.- Keep track of vaccinations.- Remember appointment and visits.- Store all medication administration done or to be done.- Manage your vets.- Find and contact the nearest veterinarian.- Manage multiple dogs.- Backup/RestoreEnable the pro version for more features:- Storage the trend of the dog's weight over time- Storage the trend of the dog's height over time- Choosing units of measure (grams/pounds and m/inches)- Many more coming soon...Easily create reminders and receive dosage, appointment and visits alertsWhat are you waiting, download Dog Health and take care of your puppies.(Dog Health is constantly evolving, please do not hesitate if you have any reports or advice from us)
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