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Newcastle University

Newcastle University

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Developer's DescriptionBy Newcastle UniversityFeatures:Manage your Library Account direct from your device...Features:-Manage your Library Account direct from your device-View your personal timetable-Subscribe to University and NUSU news channels-Searchable Campus Map-View your exam timetable when it becomes available-Find available PC's on campus-Check your print credits-Contact staff-Gym members can check availability and book classesIMPORTANT: Downloading or using this app indicates consent to the terms of the End User Licence Agreement and privacy information at Subscriptions - Fully customise what news you receive from the University news channels. Topics include NUSU events, Sports, Careers and University News.Timetable - Students can access their personal timetable. Staff can access personal timetable or search for modules, programmes of study or student timetablesFind a PC - See the very latest PC cluster information in list or map form.The list and map shows:i) The number of PC's available at a clusterii) A simple traffic light system to show you its availability; no entry sign meaning currently booked or closed, amber meaning the cluster is going to be booked or close soon and green meaning the cluster has free PC's and is not booked, nor closing soon.iii) Tap through links to a detailed explanation of a location's availability for the day including when a location closes or re-opens, what/when/how long the next booked activity is, what/when/how long any current booked activities are and how many PC's are available.Check print credit balance - see your current print credit balanceCampus Map - Search buildings on campus to locate the nearest entrance, accessible entrance or food & drink venue.Library - Manage your library account direct from your app. See what items are ready to pick up, due back and overdue. You can also renew items and cancel holds too!Search the Library Catalogue and Library Subject GuidesDirectory - Simple, quick and easy search of staff members contact details. Call or email a staff member from the results or save their details to your device's contact list.Useful Apps - A list of other useful apps offered by the university, this will be updated as and when new apps are released.Feedback - What do you think of the app? Please use the feedback section of the app to send us any comments.Scaled interface allowing a consistent experience on your phone or tablet.
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