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Dolphin and fish coloring book

Dolphin and fish coloring book

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Developer's DescriptionBy Coloring GamesDolphin coloring and painting game.Dolphin coloring and painting game. Do you like fish, dolphins, mermaids or sharks? This free game is for everybody who likes to draw or paint.This app is designed to be fun and easy to use for a mixed audience of all ages, from young to old. Easy navigation make it fun for grown up men or women, but also easy to use for kids. So it's really for big or small boys or girls.We have a coloring book filled with lots of free coloring pages of fish, dolphins, sharks, sea horses, mermaids and other animals from the sea. Also you can draw your own artwork or use the magical option.- Paint coloring pages with the paint bucket tool.- Use different types of brushes for coloring or drawing your own drawing.- Put one of the many free stickers- Add text to your artwork- Share with family or friends.This dolphin game has lots of options but is easy to use. So it is great for adults but also kids friendly.
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