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Pollen allergy warning Sweden

Pollen allergy warning Sweden

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Developer's DescriptionBy Groovy100At last. The first pollen warning app for Sweden that sends you personalised notifications whenever pollen levels rise.At last! The first pollen warning app for Sweden that sends you personalised notifications whenever pollen levels rise.Select the city closest to you, the pollen types you are allergic to, the level of pollen you want to be notified above and how long in advance you want to be notified.The Pollenvarning app will give you pollen level forecasts for Sweden ahead of time. It provides easy to read forecasts for the days ahead with information from all major measuring stations in Sweden.The forecasts are grouped by city and pollen type with emphasis given to those types of pollen you are allergic to.Swipe to the left to advance to the next forecast day.Swipe to the right to go back a day.Tap on the name of the city at the top to set your pollen warning preferences.To turn off pollen warning notifications, simply uncheck all pollen types from the settings. You can still look at the forecasts but you will not be notified for pollen level hikes.Please note, the app is not responsible for the accuracy of the forecasts. These are provided by Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet and only apply to Sweden.Pollenvarning is still in beta so if you encounter any bugs, please be so kind as to contact the author with your comments and feature suggestions at info@pollenvarning.seBe prepared for this season's pollen allergies with Pollenvarning!
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