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Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior

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Developer's DescriptionBy IntelitechOrganizational behavior is the study of both group and individual performance and activity within an organization.Organizational behavior is the study of both group and individual performance and activity within an organization. Internal and external perspectives are two theories of how organizational behavior can be viewed by companies.This area of study examines human behavior in a work environment and determines its impact on job structure, performance, communication, motivation, leadership, etc. Internal and external perspectives are two theories of how organizational behavior can be viewed by companies.Topics Covered in this App are Listed BelowIntroductionDeterminantsConceptsScopeFunctions of a ManagerModelsLearningPersonalityTheories of PersonalityPerceptionMotivationTheory X & Theory YGroupsGroup Decision MakingLeadershipTheories of LeadershipConflict ManagementCultureChangeDevelopmentOrganizational BehaviourNeed for Organizational BehaviourHISTORICAL EVOLUTION OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOURBehavioural EraORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR MODELSSPECIFIC APPLICATIONS IN ORGANIZATIONHOW ARE DECISIONS ACTUALLY MADE IN ORGANIZATIONS?INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES: DECISION MAKING STYLESORGANIZATIONAL CONSTRAINTSMAJOR TRAITS INFLUENCING ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOURPERSONALITY AND ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOURContributing Fields to Organizational BehaviourBEHAVIOUR MODEL FOR ORGANIZATIONAL EFFICIENCYOrganizational Components that Need to be Managed PeopleIndividual Dimentions of Organizational BehaviourDEVELOPING AN ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR MODEL (OB MODEL)TYPES OF MODELS OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOURAPPLICATION OF REINFORCEMENT TO SHAPE BEHAVIOURAPPLICATION OF LEARNING AND ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR MODIFICATIONPerception and Individual Decision MakingINDIVIDUAL DECISION MAKINGInterpersonal BehaviourDevelopment of Inter-personal RelationshipFoundation of Group BehaviourTypes of GroupsTHEORIES OF GROUP BEHAVIOURBEHAVIROURAL APPROACH TO LEADERSHIPOrganizational StructureFORMS OF ORGANIZATION STRUCTURECONCEPTS OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTUREDESIGNING OF ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTUREDeterminants of Organizational StructureTYPES OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTUREOrganizational Growth as a Kind of ChangeOrganizational DevelopmentORAGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERVENTION STRATEGIESOrganizational Culture and ClimateMANAGING ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE
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