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Seenaa Ummata Oromoo - History of Oromo people

Seenaa Ummata Oromoo - History of Oromo people

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Developer's DescriptionBy HistoryofTheWorld(English)...(English)The Oromo people (Oromo: Oromoo; English: Oromo) are a Cushitic ethnic group inhabiting Ethiopia. They are one of the largest ethnic groups in Ethiopia and represent 34.5% of Ethiopia's population.[8] Oromos speak the Oromo language as a mother tongue (also called Afaan Oromoo and Oromiffa), which is part of the Cushitic branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family. The word Oromo appeared in European literature for the first time in 1893 and slowly became common in the second half of the 20th century.[9][10]The Oromo people followed their traditional religion[11] and used the gadaa system of governance.[12][13] A leader elected by the gadaa system remains in power only for 8 years, with an election taking place at the end of those 8 years.[14][15][16] From the 18th century to the 19th century, Oromos were the dominant influence in northern Ethiopia during the Zemene Mesafint period. They have been one of the parties to historic migrations, and wars particularly with northern Christians and with southern and eastern Muslims, in the Horn of Africa.(Oromoo)Akka seenaan ibsutti, ummanni Oromoo bulchiinsaaf Sirna Gadaa fayyadamaa ture. Oromoon mootummoota ofbulchan muraasas qaba, kanas ummata Sidaamaa wajjin qooddata. Kana keessaa mootummoota naannoo Gibee ta'an Geeraa, Gommaa, Garo, Gummaa, Jimmaa fi Limmuu-Inaariyaa, fi akkasumas mootummaa Jireeni.Akka seenaan dubbatutti, walmorkiin karaa nagaa fi waraanaa ummata Oromoo fi sabootaa ollaa kan akka Amaaraa, Sidaamaa fi Sumaalee wajjin ture siyaasa hawaasa Oromoorratti dhiibbaa fide. Goddansi Oromoonni akka Yajuu gara kaabatti godhan, fi keessumattuu Oromoon Arsii gara lafa saba Sumaalee fi Sidaamaatti godhan baballiinsa Amaarri gara kibbaatti godhe wajjin wal fakkaata, fi siyaasa sanyii Itoophiyaa kan harraa kana boce. Akkasumas, baballinni guddaan Sumaalee lafa diriiraa Ogaadeniirraa gara dhihaatti gara laga Jubaatti godhame Oromoo wajjiniin walitti bu'iinsa fide. Iddoo tokko tokkotti, Oromoonii fi Sumaalen qabeenya uummamaa fi lafa gabbata irratti walitti bu'aa turan. Dabalataan, Oromoonni Bahaa, kan Islaamummaa fudhatanii turan, warra Sumaalee fi Affaar wajjin qaama Sulxaana Adaal kan Islaamaa hordofuu turan. Sulxaanni Adaal hooggana Imaam Ahimad Ibin Ibraahim Al-Gaazii jalatti Impaayera Abisiiniyaa kan Kiristaana ture qabachuuf duule ture.
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