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Hello English Assessments

Hello English Assessments

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Developer's DescriptionBy Culture AlleyHello English Assessments solution is the most comprehensive way to adjudge any candidate's spoken English level accurately, and quickly.Hello English Assessments solution is the most comprehensive way to adjudge any candidate's spoken English level accurately, and quickly. Hello English is Asia's most downloaded English learning platform with over 20 Million learners.Spoken English plays a huge role in the perception of any organization's brand. This assessment platform would empower you to screen candidates for their English speaking skills, and optimize your recruitment effort.Key aspects judged:Pronunciation: correctness of pronunciationFluency: speed, punctuation and correctness of speakingVocabulary: depth of word knowledge and usage of English words in practical situationsComprehension: ability to understand spoken English and draw conclusions out of itSentence construction: understanding of English grammar and sentence construction in English.The Hello English Assessment Test doesn't require the test taker to have any special infrastructure. The tests run right on their Android smartphones, ensuring immense scalability and ease of use. The tests are fully proctored, ensuring that there's is no cheating.As a recruiter, you get in-depth analysis and summaries of each candidate's performance across all key parameters in real time, on centralized dashboards - saving thousands of hours of recruitment effort, and the cost associated with the same. As a job seeker, you get to showcase your spoken English abilities and get a chance to interview for your dream job!Hello English Assessments App has currently been launched for partner organizations and Hello English contest winners only. It will soon be made available for purchase too. Watch this space for more action!Interested in exploring further? Email us at today!
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